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Vernita Studio&Shop

5 Years to Adults
Arte y manualidadesOtros

The Vernita Studio & Shop store is specialized in school supplies, you will find everything you need for your tribe's nursery and school, from robes to personalized stamps. We exclusively manufacture tailored textiles for you in our workshop in Poblenou, Barcelona, using high-quality fabrics. Since we love sewing, we also give sewing classes for adults and children. In our sewing groups you will learn at your own pace what you want, guided by design, fashion and clothing professionals. Creative sewing classes and after-school classes are more than just making-up technique. We have developed our own method that we call "Happy Sewing", in which emotional well-being is a fundamental pillar to motivate creativity and learning. At Vernita Studio & Shop we care, we give you the opportunity for your little head and your heart to connect and get rid of stress. Here you have a space to share ideas and emotions. Our workshop is a cozy and very inspiring space, you have sewing machines, magazines and books at your disposal, as well as all the necessary tools to successfully carry out your projects.