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Casal de Baloncesto Navidad

by GLTSports

Age 7 Years - 12 Years

Dates 27/12/2022 - 30/12/2022

Languages Castellano

Categories Deportes


About class

The Casal de Baloncesto is designed to introduce basketball through games and activities, which will help participants to learn and experience the sport in a fun way.

From GLT Sports we offer you much more than just a house, we offer you an experience where you will live Christmas and summer playing the sport you are most passionate about, combining it with outings (summer) and activities. And let's not forget the most important thing! You will make new friends and have fun with your classmates, working as a team and learning values in a different way.

Do you dare to live the Christmas holidays with us?

About the organiser: GLTSports
EL DEPORTE ES VIDA, EL DEPORTE ERES TÚ GLT Sport entiende el deporte como un estilo de vida que nos permite superarnos y al mismo tiempo nos aporta distintos beneficios consiguiendo alcanzar un nivel de bienestar y satisfacción. Pero el deporte también sirve como entretenimiento para aquellos que lo practican, siendo interesante y divertido para sus espectadores.
Location Icon Get directions for Campus - Casal Navidad
Carrer de Sant Ferran, 45, 08940 Cornellà de Llobregat, Barcelona, España