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Campus Skate Verano

by Ungravity 4.7 (99)

Age 8 Years - 17 Years

Dates 26/06/2024 - 02/08/2024
02/09/2024 - 06/09/2024

Languages Castellano - Catalán

Categories Deportes

Time 09:00 - 13:30 09:00 - 17:00

Price 149 € - 219 €

About camp

If skateboarding is your thing, our houses and campus from Monday to Friday are what you are looking for. New tricks, class in the best skateparks & spots, super small groups and lots of fun with our PRO TEAM. Due to the impact of Covid19, we have already created a protocol to adapt to the new conditions of distance and hygiene that will ensure the greatest safety of the campers and the monitors. Where? Barcelona and surroundings. Transportation and meeting point: we will meet in Sants Estación but we will meet at a point to be specified outside. We will continue using public transport to go to the different skateparks where we do the classes, and each camper must bring their disinfectant gel and always wear a mask. Families who have availability, you can take the campers directly to the skatepark where we have class. Notes: • includes: instructor + gift t-shirt + insurance. • this year due to the covid and in order to guarantee the maximum safety of campers and monitors, we do not offer food service.
About the organiser: Ungravity
Somos una empresa dedicada a la creación de proyectos de calidad que ayuden a promocionar los Action Sports: Skate, BMX, Scooter, Longboard, Patinaje, Surf, Paddlesurf, Esquí y Snowboard mediante servicios (clases, cursos, camps, club, viajes y otras actividades), creación de eventos, organización de competiciones y construcción y alquiler de skateparks. Pasión, Motivación y el mejor Equipo Humano desde el 2004.
Location Icon Get directions for Carrer del Taquígraf Serra, 28, 08029 Barcelona
Carrer del Taquígraf Serra, 28, 08029 Barcelona