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Clases para niños de 5 a 7 años

by Enlighten Academy Barcelona

Age 4 Years - 7 Years

Dates 20/09/2023 - 20/12/2023

Languages Castellano

Categories Idiomas

Time Miércoles 17:30 - 18:45

Price 68 €

About class

Perhaps you have just moved to Barcelona and would you like your child to feel confident speaking Spanish? Or perhaps your child goes to an international school and doesn't have a lot of opportunities to use Spanish outside the classroom where it is taught as a subject... In response to requests from international families, we have created a great course to help children really enjoy Spanish and feel comfortable using it every day.

Come and join the small group that starts on Wednesday 20th September at 17H30 in Sarria at the academy. If you can't make the first class, do contact us as we have space for your child to join in the coming weeks. He or she will have lots of fun totally immersed in Spanish. Do reach out to us if you have any questions.

Hasta pronto!

About the organiser: Enlighten Academy Barcelona
Enlighten Academia acoge a niños a partir de 3 años. Ofrecemos clases y actividades para que cada niño crezca en confianza y fluidez. Nuestros profesores están cualificados, tienen experiencia y enseñan en su lengua materna. Ofrecemos grupos reducidos durante la semana para todas las edades y niveles, así como divertidos talleres los sábados. También hacemos fiestas de cumpleaños los fines de semana y campamentos durante las vacaciones.
Location Icon Get directions for Carrer de Benet Mateu, 53, 08034 Barcelona
Carrer de Benet Mateu, 53, 08034 Barcelona, España