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by Englishgatherings

0 Months to Adults
Inglés, Francés
17/05/2024 - 19/05/202414/06/2024 - 16/06/2024
00:25 - 00:55
160 €
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The idea is to enjoy a weekend in the mountains with our family and with other families that are embarked on the same bilingual/multilingual adventure.


We offer an English/French speaking environment, so the language used during the whole weekend with other families and among your family must be English or French. If necessary, talk to your kids about this rule before you come to the gathering. Thanks in advance. 

The hostel is located in the Sierra de la Demanda mountains of Rioja, a five-minute walk from the town of Ezcaray. The Oja River passes through it, with a beautiful walk along the river. It is a nice natural environment with multiple routes, old villages, greenways and GR trails. The highest peak in the area is San Lorenzo (2,271 meters), where the Valdezcaray ski resort is located.


The facilities of the “Old Mill Hostel” include several buildings, sports court, wooden cabins and a meadow. All this is enclosed in 15 m2 and exclusive for the hostelers. 


Some of the activities that we will carry out in this meeting will be storytelling, games, workshops, walks along the river, a visit to the town of Ezcaray,…and it will be all in English/French, with other families raising bilingual/multilingual children. We will also have meetings for the adults to share experiences and exchange information regarding the bilingual adventure in which we find ourselves immersed.


About the organiser: Englishgatherings

English Gatherings and Summer Camps for families in the mountains of La Rioja (Spain). For bilingual/multilingual families who already talk in English to their kids and want to be involved for some days in an English-speaking environment. A great way to make many friends in English without leaving Spain!