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Kids Basic Level

by EDAMI 4.9 (529)

Age 6 Years - 14 Years

Languages Castellano - Catalán

Categories Ajedrez

Time Sábado 10:00 - 11:15 Sábado 11:00 - 11:45

Price 30 €

About class

Our children's groups are aimed at schoolchildren from 6 to 14 years old. Chess classes and brain games workshops are an ideal extracurricular complement, where you learn to make decisions and control emotions; children learn to win and lose, and to assume their individual responsibility. The classes are taught by EDAMI instructors with great pedagogical experience, and have an educational, formative, playful and practical approach. Educational , because through chess we work mathematics, from a new and attractive perspective for the child.Formative , because we instill values ​​such as respect for the rules, for opponents and we teach how to manage emotions.Playful , because chess is a game, and we try to reduce the competitive element, promoting teamwork. Practical , because from the first moment the students are the protagonists, they do not get bored, they play and participate.
About the organiser: EDAMI
EDAMI es la Escuela de Ajedrez de Miguel Illescas, fundada en 1999 y con sede en Barcelona. Miguel Illescas es gran maestro internacional de ajedrez, escritor y conferenciante, y un reconocido experto en todo lo relativo al uso del ajedrez en la educación.
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C/ Francisco Giner, 42, 08012 Barcelona