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Primaria - Online

by Cal Saber 4.9 (45)

Age 6 Years - 11 Years

Languages Castellano - Inglés

Categories Refuerzo escolar

Time Sábado 11:00 - 13:00

Price 96 € - 185 €

About class

Cal Saber believes in the integral development of people, which is why they consider each student to be the protagonist of their own learning process; they adapt to every individual, working so that students acquire self-knowledge, enhancing their skills and strengths to allow them to overcome the challenges that arise in their learning. Their team works across all subject areas.
About the organiser: Cal Saber
A Cal Saber creiem en el desenvolupament integral de les persones, per això considerem a cada alumne protagonista del seu propi procés d’aprenentatge, ens adaptem a tu; treballem perquè cada alumne adquireixi un autoconeixement d’acord amb la realitat i així, potenciantles facilitats i punts forts, pugui afrontar i superar aquelles dificultats que se li plantegin en el seu aprenentatge
Location Icon Get directions for Carrer Puig-Reig, 1, Ronda General Mitre 188, Barcelona
Carrer Puig-Reig, 1, Ronda General Mitre 188, Barcelona