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Extracurricular Cooking Class Mini Chefs last chance!!!

by Espai Granada 4.5 (72)

Cooking & baking
6 to 10 Years
Spanish, English
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La cocina es una manera de vivir, una buena relación con los alimentos y las diferentes cocciones son una base excelente para disfrutar de una vida creativa, divertida y saludable. Espai Granada os propone esta extraescolar para aprender a cocinar y degustar deliciosos sabores, divirtiéndonos y adquiriendo hábitos que harán de nuestr@s minichefs l@s artistas del futuro.

This activity is in English

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About the organiser: Espai Granada

At Espai Granada we are very excited to offer a range of new activities with super fun themes. We want to cook with boys and girls, families and the little ones, learn techniques, taste new flavours through which getting to know different places accompanied by professionals from the world of gastronomy.