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More info

At Aria, we combine and promote English language development with yoga, dance, and arts and crafts activities. Designed speficially for children between the ages of 4 and 12, our classes and workshops are based on captivating children's stories that we transform into stimulating yoga routines, dynamic dance sequences, and exciting craft projects. Working with schools and studios in neighbourhoods across Barcelina, we give classes and workshops which offer a vibrant blend of activities that engage children on multiple levels by integrating music, songs, rhythm and rhyme, along with communicative games, partner work, and collaborative group projects. We also incorporate meditation and breathing exercises specially designed for children which not only promote relaxation and concentration but also help develop essential emotional regulation skills. Our classes provide a multi-disciplinary experience that allows students to benefit from both physical exercise and creative activities simultaneously. It gives our students the opportunity to engage in something they enjoy while being immersed in an English environment, forming positive connections with the language. All our classes are taught by fully qualified teachers with a native level of English. Join us and let us foster your child's language development while they explore, learn, and have fun!

4 Years - 12 Years
What do we offer?
Arte y manualidadesBaile y acrobaciaIdiomasMultiactividadYoga y bienestar
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