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Escola A Escena

3 Years to Adults
Baile y acrobaciaTeatro y cine

A ESCENA, School of Dance and Performing Arts, is the evolution of the Contreras School of Dance, founded in 1952 by Rosario Contreras and continued by her niece Carme Contreras, towards a more dynamic, more participatory and more promising School. Without forgetting our roots in Classical Dance and Spanish Dance and with the professionalism and seriousness that has characterized us until now, we offer you a wider range of possibilities with a more diverse range of activities for all ages. Whether you want to make dance or theater your profession, or if you want to practice it as a leisure activity, at A ESCENA, School of Dance and Performing Arts, we will give you the tools so that your art and your body transmit everything you wear within. Artistic activities are very beneficial for those who practice them, as they provide self-discipline, perseverance at work, self-control, personal and collective improvement and social relationships. In a very familiar atmosphere, the School offers quality teaching, with the possibility of accessing official exams. In addition to the classes, we offer you a series of activities that will complement our training offer. Come visit us and get infected with our passion!

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