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Cristina Caetano

2 to 15 Years
GuarderíaMamá y bebéYoga y bienestarOtrosMultiactividad

The Cipí space is an educational project that will be born in the Poblenou neighborhood, in Barcelona, to accompany children from 9 months to 5 years of age and their families in their evolutionary development, with a loving, conscious and respectful gaze. Aware of the vital need for the little ones to play outdoors (which is also why we have decided to be a small group of 9 little ones), every day we go out to go to the beach, the market, the library; We visit parks, neighborhood gardens and some natural corners rich in trees and aromatic plants. We are guided by key values such as respect, self-regulation, acceptance, self-esteem, autonomy, free expression, limits, and knowledge of oneself and the environment