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More info

Age 0 Months - 4 Years

Date 25/02/2024

Languages Catalán - Inglés

Categories Música y canto

Time 10:00 - 10:50

About event

Come and join our exciting percussion music activity for children, called Baby Bongo, at our nursery school!

Baby Bongo is a fun and educational experience where children can explore the world of percussion in a playful and creative way. Every month, on a special Sunday, we organize this activity so that the little ones can enjoy and learn through rhythm and music.

At Baby Bongo, children will have the opportunity to experiment with a variety of percussion instruments designed especially for them. From small drums to maracas and cymbals, each child will be able to discover and experiment with different sounds and rhythms.

Our children's music teachers will be there to guide and encourage the young musicians on their musical journey. Through interactive musical games and fun activities, children will develop motor, auditory, and coordination skills while having fun making music.

Don't miss the next Baby Bongo session at our center. It's a perfect opportunity for your child to dive into the wonderful world of music and percussion from an early age!

About the organiser: Escola Bressol Petits
Escuela para los más pequeños, 0-3 años
Location Icon Get directions for Petits Bailen
C/ de Bailèn, 108, 08009 Barcelona, España