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El Taller de l'Artista al Nadal

by El Taller de l'Artista

Age 5 Years - 15 Years

Dates 27/12/2022 - 30/12/2022
02/01/2022 - 06/01/2022

Languages Castellano - Catalán

Categories Arte y manualidades


About camp

We will live the Christmas atmosphere! Space to express and grow. Painting, clay, crafts, drawing, watercolor, wood, wool, wax, stories… and much more! We meet in the workshop children and young people, 5 to 15 years old, we share the morning as a family, they are choosing different jobs they would like to do and the big ones help the little ones and the little ones teach the big ones, we have breakfast together and go to the park in the middle of the morning where we make giant soap bubbles, drawings with colored chalks, massages and stories. For the child, art feeds his imagination, his self-esteem and enhances his creativity and ability to think. Boys and girls are at ease, accompanied by art and happy to discover what they are able to do with their creativity while having a good time on school holidays. The morning flies by! On the last day of the week we say goodbye and celebrate! Notes: • Groups are small, maximum 8 students. • Bring change of clothes and breakfast • Reservation is formalized when the payment is made
About the organiser: El Taller de l'Artista
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Carrer Bismark, 6, 08024 Barcelona