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Mami + Baby Full body Fitness

by FitnessForMamis

Age 0 Months - Adults

Dates 30/10/2023 - 20/12/2023

Languages Castellano - Inglés

Categories Pre y postnatal - Mamá y bebé

Time Jueves 09:30 - 10:30

Price 12.5 €

About class

Join us with your little one, get back in shape & connect with others!

We meet at Stephy's, the Family Cafe! For the ones who want to stay after the class we have a nice coffee & healthy brunch together.

Hello there, I'm Julia your Personal Trainer specialized in Women's health & post partum recovery classes.

I created this class to encourage you to start working out again and take away the fear you may have as well as help you to build up your new support network with other Moms! (So many things change after giving birth, your body looks & feels different, you feel overwhelmed with all the questions, yet you are alone at home and feel isolated.)

This class is especially designed to work on specific muscles groups you need to strengthen as a new Mom!

We use Resistance bands to build up muscles in Legs, Booty, Arms and Back as well as focussing on your deep Core muscles, (Diastisis Recti correction exercises when needed), shoulders & back muscles to improve your posture & prevent pain.

This class is a beginners/ intermediate Fitness class for all the Moms that want to get back in shape safely & effectively.

Don't worry if you feel out of shape and weak, this class is to help you get rid of that feeling!

Also, don't be afraid that your baby will disturb, it's totally fine if you need to stop & take care / feed your baby during class!

This class is for YOU & to connect with other Moms!

Sounds like what you were looking for?

Whatsapp me to reserve your spot: +34 669 760 790


- Single class: 15 Euros

- Pack of 4 classes: 50 Euros

- Pack of 12 classes: 120 Euros (valid for 3 months)

What to bring?

- Blanket / toys for the baby

- Water & a mat for you

- Tera resistance / booty bands if you have

Please follow me @train_withjulia so we can connect and Join our community @fitnessformamis and count on a network of amazing mamis & mamis to be!

About the organiser: FitnessForMamis
FitnessForMamis es la comunidad de fitness y estilo de vida para futuras mamás y mamás que desean mantenerse en forma y conectadas durante el embarazo y más allá. Nuestro objetivo es ayudar a las mujeres en todas las etapas de sus vidas a moverse sin dolor, sentirse fuertes y seguras. El embarazo es un hermoso viaje, ¡pero viene con muchos cambios! Tu cuerpo se ve y se siente diferente, todo es abrumador, tienes muchas preguntas, ¡pero estás en casa con tu recién nacido todo por ti misma! Por lo tanto, esta comunidad está aquí para ayudarte con dos temas MUY IMPORTANTES: tu forma física y las conexiones con otras personas que te ayudarán con tus dudas y preguntas, y te harán sentir menos aislada al principio. Nos reunimos semanalmente en Stephys (C/ Wellington 88) para: Clases de Pilates prenatal y fuerza prenatal Mami + Bebé Fit Pilates Mami + Bebé Tonificación Almuerzos de mamás Talleres específicos con ponentes invitados como consultores del sueño, especialistas en suelo pélvico, etc., para apoyarte en tu camino. ¿Suena como lo que estás buscando? ¡Únete a nuestras reuniones de Fitness y Conexión y sé parte de nuestra comunidad! También no olvides conectarte con nosotros en Instagram @Fitnessformamis.
Location Icon Get directions for Stephys
C/ de Wellington, 88, 08018 Barcelona, Spain