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Tecnificació de Futbol Nadal Artós Sports Club

by Artós Sports Club

Age 8 Years - 14 Years

Dates 27/12/2022 - 30/12/2022
02/01/2022 - 06/01/2022

Languages Castellano - Catalán

Categories Deportes


About camp

The holidays are approaching and our soccer-loving boys and girls hope to have more time to enjoy their favorite sport. If you were born between 2007 and 2013, together we will work on the technique and tactics of group play, promoting the values ​​of team sport. Do you want to be part of it? Modalities: -Goalkeeper training: work on the technical capabilities of the goalkeeper position: serve, block, cross, lateral stretch, among others. -Female training: girls born between 2013 and 2008. Work on technical, tactical and physical capacities, as well as the relationship between the players, promoting the values ​​of team sport. -Child / cadet training: among those born between 2012 and 2010: Smartfutsal methodology to encourage decision-making within the field of play and create intelligent players. Technical and physical work specialized by positions (pivot / wing / closure). -Training youngest / youngster: Children born between 2009 and 2007: Smartfutsal methodology to encourage decision-making within the field of play and create intelligent players. Technical and physical work specialized by positions (pivot / wing / closure). Notes: • 5% discount for members and children of members • 5% discount from the 2nd sibling • Lunch included in the schedule 9:00-15:00
About the organiser: Artós Sports Club
Pádel Barcelona: Artós Sports Club está ubicado en el barrio de Sarrià, en Barcelona. Somos una instalación deportiva en la que transmitimos nuestros valores en dos de los deportes más importantes: el pádel y el fútbol.
Location Icon Get directions for C/ dels Vergós 67, 08017 Barcelona
C/ dels Vergós 67, 08017 Barcelona