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de Creation Drama Studio 5 (29)

Teatro y cine
6 a 16 Años
12/09/2024 - 12/12/2024
Jueves 17:30 - 18:45 Jueves 18:45 - 20:15
0 €
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In today’s evolving entertainment landscape, mastering both stage and camera presence is essential. Our immersive program offers young actors a unique opportunity to explore both theatre and on-screen acting within a nurturing and creatively charged environment.

This class strikes a perfect balance between traditional theatre techniques and the nuances of acting for the camera. By developing skills in both areas, your child’s creativity will flourish in exciting new ways.

Understanding the distinct skills required for stage and screen acting will boost your child’s confidence in any performance setting. They will gain valuable experience through scripted scenes, improvisation, and interactive exercises, guided by our expert instructors.

The skills they acquire will be showcased in captivating performances, whether they’re delivering a powerful monologue on stage or embodying a character on camera. Their talents will truly shine.

Thursdays in Sitges

17:30-18:45 for 6-9 year olds

18:45-20:15 for 10-16 year olds




Sobre el organizador: Creation Drama Studio

Lo que comenzó como Q-E Kids Drama Workshops en enero de 2015 se ha convertido en una institución próspera que, semanalmente, imparte formación extracurricular integral en interpretación para teatro, cine, televisión y realización cinematográfica a más de 200 estudiantes en Sitges, Castelldefels y Barcelona. Desde sus inicios, Creation Drama Studio ha ayudado a más de 700 jóvenes a desarrollar su creatividad y a ganar confianza en sí mismos a través de la interpretación y la realización cinematográfica. Los graduados han conseguido plazas en prestigiosas universidades y escuelas de teatro, mientras que otros han participado en diversos proyectos profesionales, incluidos cortometrajes, largometrajes, vídeos musicales y trabajos de doblaje. Nuestros talleres se imparten en inglés y están diseñados tanto para hablantes nativos/fluidos de inglés como para aquellos que deseen mejorar su confianza en inglés en un entorno práctico, creativo y divertido. Póngase en contacto con nosotros para reservar una clase de prueba GRATUITA. What began as Q-E Kids Drama Workshops in January 2015 has evolved into a thriving institution that, on a weekly basis, imparts comprehensive extracurricular training in acting for theatre, film, TV, and filmmaking to over 200 students across Sitges, Castelldefels, and Barcelona. Since its inception, Creation Drama Studio has helped over 700 young people to develop creativity and build self-confidence through acting and filmmaking. Graduates have successfully secured placements in prestigious universities and drama schools, while others have been cast in various professional projects, including short films, feature films, music videos, and voice-over work. ​Our workshops are held in English and are designed for both native/fluent English speakers and those wishing to improve their confidence in English in a hands-on, practical, creative and fun environment. Contact us to book a FREE taster class.